
Monday, March 2, 2009
Oh brother! Life has been pretty much the same old,same old except for the fact that my elder brother is annoying everyone of my siblings with his constant whistling day in,day out.Even as I write this blog,his whistling away with hopes its annoying me. Unfortunately it is! Hiding the fact that Im annoyed by him is not easy...
On a different note,yesterday I went to the curve,a big break from my usual stay at home and rot routine though its only for about 15 minutes.I went to get a new game for my Xbox 360 but to my despair,it was out of stock,pre-ordered it with a Rm50 deposit,There goes a big sum of my money,of sorts.Getting the game next week,can't wait.
Today,i cooked desert for me family,bubur pisang is what I cooked.It could taste better but its nice none the less.Thats what u get when your father(original chef) is not bothered to make it and left it to the only other person thats good at making it to cook it.To those that don't know what bubur pisang is and is trying to imagine it like rice porridge,I am sorry to say,its nothing of that sorts.Bubur pisang is just banana boiled in water mixed with santan n gula melaka with some added spice.Thats all there is to it.

Oh ya,results coming out next week,can't wait for it!Wonder what my results will be? Oh well,what ever it is,too little too late now!


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