
Monday, March 2, 2009

I like this video,its from a game,yet it talks so much about things in our lives especially one,about peace,I ll just write on the important line for those who are lazy to listen to the video,it goes "remember to be very grateful if you happen to be in a country at peace".Peace is something that we all take for granted in our life,never thankful...

"He who has not experienced war,does not know the true value of peace"

I am not sure about anyone else,but I admit,peace is something I take for granted,I have never truly appreciated it,we live in a country at peace,usually only disturbed a few idiotic politician and political shenanigans that happen all so often in our country nowadays but then again,we can go on our with our daily life with that but what about those in country filled with turmoil?war?
We do not know how lucky we are to have peace while others die and suffer endlessly,how would they wish to leave in peace,to move to another country where peace is there for their enjoyment but for us?We leave the country because its nicer there,the pay is better,local education is not good enough and much much more but in the end it don't really matter,because no matter what,home is the place you grew up in,how is the place you were raised in,home is the country you lived in all your life,whether you hate it or love it,its an deniable fact and not to mention the place that your family will be,always..
Overseas education pursuit is over-rated because its only truly valuable when you are first looking for a job but you will most probably will be on scholarship so you'll be most likely be working for the people who sponsored your education,no? Later in life,experience and your work performance over the years is what you will be most likely be judged upon if your job searching.That being said it is,none the less a great experience to be had,given the chance,take it!For if you don't,you will regret it.

I wonder if I went off topic,most likely did but oh well...


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