Earth Hour?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thought it was better to place a warning of sorts here,to anyone who is an environmentalist,u may read,i din badmouth you all,keep up your good job,IF your the type who is really really sensitive when it comes to our world dont read too and last but not least,if u cant stand or accept the opinion of another person,then just skip this post,because this is written purely on my personal opinion and i wasn thinking of how much others feel about it..Thank For You Reading Till This Point.

Okay,Who here supports this?Anyone? I for one think its a total waste time. I mean,really?What good does it does? You off it for an hour then after that u continue doing what you usually do,it will make no difference in the long term,not that i would even care if it did because if you reduce pollution or by accomplishing the impossible you actually stop pollution,you are only delaying the inevitable..
Inevitable? What do I mean by it? Simple,delaying when our once beautiful(not that it isn now) planet is going to be destroyed,totally stripped of its beauty,un-able to sustain life any longer and the worst of all is to be turned into nothing but dust in space...
Pollution is incessant,its never going to stop,it wont go away not unless we humans go away first,only then it will disappear,that if its not too late when we do get wiped out off the face of the earth but come on now,lets be honest to ourselves because we all know that the chances of that happening is very low,for now anyhow.Human push for advances in technology,better this,better that and nothing is free,everything has a price,history proves it,with almost every new technology discovered,with every new technological advance we make,we bring about pollution,destruction and also hope and creation but that is another story.Easy example of it is agriculture ,when agricultural become widespread,when agricultural technology advanced,it brings about it new ways to feed the people of this world but at what cost? More and more forest being logged to make way for places for agricultural activities,usage of pesticide to prevent damages of crops and etc,that poisons the land,the air,the water around us. Electricity,petrol and everything else,all brings about pollution and why do all these exist? Because we exist that is why
Oh ya,you cant make the entire population of this world to turn green and it requires but a simple explanation,because we are humans,enough said...
Even if by a god given miracle the environmentalist manage to make the entire population go green,the planet is still doomed one way or another.Owh,all so many scenarios can be thought of on how the world will be doomed.A global nuclear war for an example,we all know the destructive powers of nuclear warhead,the land in which it is striked upon is uninhabitable for years and years to come so imagine if the entire world was engulfed in a nuclear war? Or it could be because we discovered some new technology that we cant handle and in the end,it destroys,it might sound ridiculous but its possible none the less,humans are never satisfied,all wanting,all searching,be it for money or for power it will never be satiesfied.
Well,Im done speaking my mind for now,that was fun...

Feel free to post up your arguments,disagreement though i doubt it will change my point of view but feel free to try none the less...

My Mind,My Thoughts,My Views


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